Wild Bird Supplies You Need To Attract Birds To Your Yard

It's easy to attract birds to your yard if you have the right wild bird supplies to meet birds' needs. The more bird-friendly your yard, the more species that will visit and the more you can enjoy their company, knowing you have created a suitable habitat to nurture wild birds.

Top 3 Wild Bird Supplies To Attract Birds

Birds need three basic things to thrive – food, water, and shelter. While they can find all three naturally in different ways, adding supplemental supplies to your yard will quickly draw in more bird species than you may realize. Fortunately, it's easy to add each one in several ways that will quickly catch birds' attention and bring them right to your yard.

Feeders and Food

A good quality birdseed mix rich in sunflower seeds will attract most common bird species such as finches, sparrows, and doves, but creating a diverse backyard buffet will attract even more unusual birds. Consider adding mealworms, peanuts, and suet to the yard to attract bluebirds, jays, and woodpeckers, while nectar is essential to lure hungry hummingbirds. Using a variety of feeders, such as hoppers, tubes, and nectar feeders will attract even more birds by catering to their preferred feeding styles.

Baths and Water

All birds need water, not just to drink, but also for bathing and preening to keep their feathers in top condition. A simple hanging bird bath or basic pedestal dish is suitable for many birds. The bath should only be 1-2 inches deep so it is accessible by most species. Adding a wiggler or small solar fountain to the bath will create small splashes and movement to catch birds' attention more quickly and bring them to the yard. Even birds that may not routinely visit feeders, such as hawks, warblers, and waxwings, will enjoy visits to a clean, fresh bird bath.


Birds seek shelter not just at night, but also to stay protected from severe weather, predators, and other threats. A variety of evergreen and deciduous plants can provide great natural shelter, which is easily supplemented by bird houses or roost boxes. Choose houses that best suit the birds' size, and position them in protected areas to encourage feathered families to take up residence. Convertible bird houses can be turned into winter roost boxes, or you can install both kinds of structures to provide extra shelter for more birds.

More Tips For Attracting Wild Birds

In addition to providing supplemental support to backyard birds with carefully selected wild bird supplies, there are many other steps that will help attract more birds. For example, reducing the yard's turf and adding more native plants to the landscaping will provide birds with a familiar, safe habitat to enjoy. Have your bird-friendly landscape do double-duty by opting for plants that produce food as well, such as seed-bearing or nectar-rich flowers, fruit trees, and berry bushes.

Keep bird feeders and baths clean and fresh, and change which foods you offer seasonally to meet birds' changing nutritional needs throughout the year. Minimize or eliminate pesticides in the yard so birds can provide natural pest control as they feast on insects.

Finally, stock up on wild bird supplies that will discourage predators and ensure birds can make the most of the offerings in your yard. Baffles will help protect bird houses from invaders, and can also keep squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, and other wildlife from raiding bird feeders. Similarly, cage-style bird feeders can keep bully birds from monopolizing feeders.

Watching your feathered guests carefully is the best way to learn which supplies you will need to restock or expand more quickly, such as their favorite foods, a crowded bird bath, or a bird house that hosts multiple families each year. As you learn your birds' preferences, you will easily be able to meet their needs and invite even more bird species to your backyard habitat.

