How To Attract The Tufted Titmouse – Backyard Birding Tips

The tufted titmouse is a beautiful grey bird known for its crest, round bill, and petite build. Found on the eastern half of the United States, this bird lives in North America all year round. Other birds in the same family as the tufted titmouse include the black-crested titmouse, the black-capped chickadee, and Carolina chickadee.
These common feeder visitors are drawn to specific seeds and habitats, making it easy to attract them with a few key factors.
Pick the Right Bird Feeder
Strategically pick your bird feeders based on the birds you want to see. Some feeders are meant to stand up to winter weather, while others are seed-specific like suet holders. Using a variety of feeders allows more space for birds to visit your yard. Tufted titmice have been known to frequent feeders including the Hopper, Tube, Platform, Nylon Sock Feeder, or Suet Feeder.

Tufted titmice will be visiting feeders in the winter when there is snow build up and in the summer when there’s chance of rain, so remember to keep the seed fresh if exposed to moisture. Clean feeders and fill them all year long for these non-migrating birds.
Use the Right Seed
Tufted titmice enjoy a diet of insects and seeds. These birds prey on bugs and insect eggs during the summer months, but in the winter, they rely on feeders, berries, nuts, and fruit. To survive cold winters without traveling south, titmice hoard food during the fall and winter months. You’ll sometimes notice they visit a feeder and grab a single seed to bring back to their hiding spot.
To keep these birds coming back to your yard, make sure not to remove the insects they commonly feast on like wasps, bees, spiders, snails, and beetles. It’s also beneficial to plant natural berries and oak trees, as titmice eat acorns.
In your bird feeders, try using black oil sunflower, sunflower hearts & chips, striped sunflower, safflower, Nyjer® seeds, peanuts, mealworms, and suet.
Create a Welcoming Environment
As tufted titmice discover your backyard bird feeders, make sure your yard is an inviting space they will want to make their home. They typically nest in cavities like tree holes or nesting boxes.
Running water is always a great way to provide for the birds all year long. As tufted titmice live in wintery areas, their common water sources can freeze over.

Looking to attract a variety of birds to your yard? Use the Single Seed Attraction Chart on the back of Kaytee wild bird seed products. This helps you determine which seeds to use for which birds.
Explore stores that carry wild bird seed and feeders that those tufted titmice will love by selecting a product and clicking Where to Buy.