Ask the Wild Bird Experts
How to Spot the Differences Between Downy & Hairy Woodpeckers
Woodpeckers are striking birds with their bold feathers. Some have red highlights, some have black and white stripes, and some even have a more solid coloring that can be seen from a longer distance.
The Benefits of Backyard Birding
Are you looking to attract more of those beautiful bright red Northern Cardinals to your yard? Look no further! We have compiled the best tips and tricks to help these beautiful birds find your feeders.
Backyard Birding Spring Checklist
Make your yard and the items you provide outside welcoming to wild birds as they migrate back home from the south.
How to Attract Finches to Your Feeders
Bright yellow American goldfinches are a favorite bird. They are entertaining to watch, with vibrant, beautiful feathers, and they are relatively easy to attract to feeders
Backyard Birds’ Favorite Bird Seed
What You Should Be Feeding Your Favorite Backyard Birds. Like us, backyard birds have unique food preferences.
How to Attract: Cardinals
Are you looking to attract more of those beautiful bright red Northern Cardinals to your yard? Look no further! We have compiled the best tips and tricks to help these beautiful birds find your feeders.
How to Protect Backyard Birds from Potential Dangers
Many backyard wild birds travel miles during migration, fighting off dangers like starvation, predators, and the weather. It’s important to provide them a space that’s as safe as possible.
We found an orphaned baby wild bird outside, what should we do?
Understandably when an injured or abandoned bird is found the first reaction is to do what can be done to help the bird.